We're closed 25th Dec - 5th Jan. Orders will be processed w/c 6th Jan.
We're closed 25th Dec - 5th Jan.
Orders will be processed w/c 6th Jan.
We're closed 25th Dec - 5th Jan. Orders will be processed w/c 6th Jan.
We're closed 25th Dec - 5th Jan.
Orders will be processed w/c 6th Jan.

Noisestop Acoustic Gates

For a totally integrated acoustic barrier system we have carefully designed various styles of gates to suit your individual requirements to further minimise noise.

To fully optimise your choosen acoustic barrier we would highly recommend any gate fitted within the acoustic barrier be a noisestop. 

All our gates work exact the same as our panels to reduce noise. Therefore which style of acoustic barrier you choose depends on how the gate will minimise noise.

Absorbent Sound Screen with Gate fitted into Steel Posts

Here is an example of a fully integrated gate on our absorbent sound screen panels.

This will ensure minimal noise is passed through the entrance. 

Our other acoustic barrier designs will have the same principle as this one. 

For our full test results see below. 


Test Results

Test results for HALES SAWMILLS LTD – ABSORBING SOUND SCREEN Issued by: University of Salford (Acoustics Test Laboratory) UKAS accredited test laboratory No. 1262 Test reference number:AC09/215/15 


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Need hoarding? Our timber plywood hoarding is a cost effective solution to secure the perimeter of construction sites. 

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