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We're closed 25th Dec - 5th Jan.
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We're closed 25th Dec - 5th Jan. Orders will be processed w/c 6th Jan.
We're closed 25th Dec - 5th Jan.
Orders will be processed w/c 6th Jan.

Absorbent Acoustic Barrier

Absorbent Acoustic Barrier

Our absorbent acoustic screens have been a popular option to tackle excess and unwanted noise. They are suitable for many applications including residential, commercial,  education, transport and industrial uses. 

These acoustic barriers work by absorbing and muffling any unwanted sound. These barriers are the perfect solution in order to keep noise in a contained space due to their two-part panel feature as this will absorb and muffle the sound. One side of the panel is reflective consisting of vertical sawn boards and cover strips and the other consists of a protective membrane and rockwool to absorb any unwanted sound.

These barriers either come loose in kit form to be constructed onsite or pre fabricated. 

POST OPTIONS: These panels can either be constructed using wooden posts or steel posts depending on site requirements. 

SIZES: Depending on site requirements are panels normally come in 2.4m or 3.0m widths with heights varying from 0.5m to 9.0m.  

GATES: For a totally integrated acoustic barrier system we have carefully designed various styles of gates to suit your individual requirements to further minimise noise. 

Test Results

Test results for HALES SAWMILLS LTD – ABSORBING SOUND SCREEN, issued by: University of Salford (Acoustics Test Laboratory)
UKAS accredited test laboratory No. 1262



Need hoarding? Our timber plywood hoarding is a cost effective solution to secure the perimeter of construction sites. 

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