Highways Fencing

Fencing with a 30 year desired life

We have full accreditation for the treatment and supply of motorway fencing timbers to the Highways Agency Specification Clause 311 for post and rail, and closeboard fencing.

These include incised posts that offer 30 year desired life treatment.

We can offer all our post and rail fencing to the new highways specification. However the most popular sizes include posts at: 2.1m 150 x 75, 2.1m 125 x 75, 1.8m 150 x 75, 1.8m 125 x 75 in both square ended or pointed.

In addition all our stock fencing, both Machine rounded posts and farm stakes can come in a range of lengths and diameters all with highways treatment.

Please note prices for closebaord fencing and post and rail with a 30 year desired life treatment are not listed on our website.  For more information on prices or availability please contact us on 01630 653359.

The types of fencing we can offer include

Is noise an issue?

If noise is an issue our Noise Stop Acoustic Panels are a cost effective method of reducing noise nuisance, a growing problem in our densely populated modern world.

These panels not only look great but provide the very best solution to tackle excessive and unwanted noise across many applications.

Our Acoustic fencing works by creating an adequate barrier to disturb and repel any unwanted sound. This can have an extreme effect, noticeably reducing noise levels and minimising any previous disruption.

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